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Road to Damascus

The origin of this term comes from the book of Acts:9; it is the account of the apostle Paul's conversion.   

A trip from the dark to the light.
Platform at Victoria Pk. Subway station.

On this page I am going to share my personal Road to Damascus story with you.

I was raised to think of myself as a Christian: the working class schools I attended had religious classes for both Anglican, and Catholic.  Beside Sunday School, the only religious observance at home was fish on Friday: yet, I never questioned what I did learn about the Christian God, until the 60's revolution announced that "God is dead!"
What a smack in the face: everything I held sacred was being taken away; there was no Santa Clause; living happy ever after was a lie; was it possible that Almighty God was dead?
The great test of faith, which I didn't realize at the time, was discovering my firstborn son had an inoperable brain tumor.  Though I lived in denial of the outcome, I devoured books on the afterlife; I couldn't give that up.  My search led me into the occult, and New Age Spirituality, which I used to shape my future.

In the hippy days of '72, Christian converts were tagged Jesus Freaks.

My first encounter with Christians who were living by the standards of the first century church, was at an outdoor rock concert held at AYC--that's the Alliston Youth Centre I was involved in--they were so blissfully happy we assumed they had eaten Alice B. Toklas brownies, or something.
We were invited to their home for a meal,
and prayed over; but the one thing they didn't answer to my satisfaction was my queries about how they got saved.I expected some great road to Damascus stories; none had an awe inspiring tale.  They left something in my heart though; when I returned to the city, I found myself reading the Bible; from cover to cover, for the first time.
By '91 I had done everything in my power to make life a success, but it all failed. The Gulf Crisis that summer had me expressing my anxiety in a painting.  As it progressed, I kept hearing a voice in my head say, "For those who have ears to hear."  Almost right away I recalled Jesus said it.  What I saw unfolding on CNN triggered flashes of biblical prophecy. 
A new study for truth began. By late October I was desperate: with a week to find an affordable place to live, the old crippling anxiety of the hunt was upon me; I made a deal with God!  I needed proof for myself that he was real.
I asked for a place I could afford, in Toronto's Beaches area; with the key in my hand before the week was up.  In return I would never doubt his existence again. I stood a week later, with the key in my hand to a place at Kingston & Bingham; it had just been reduced by a hundred dollars.
I was contemplating brushing it off as coincidence, when I dinstinctly heard a male voice remind me, "It's your turn: you promised."  That's all I needed.  Suddenly I realized my quest for truth took me to the very throne of Almighty God, and he actually spoke to me!  Ofcourse, some people think I'm losing it now, but I don't care; my faith in the Lord is the only thing that gives me peace of mind.