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Pictures I've always loved, and always wanted to paint.

Nathan Philips Sq. Outside the Library.

Once upon a time I took my camera everywhere: always looking for shots to paint.  This first one (top left) ended up being a miniature watercolor, and made a fine gift. 

Photocopy of pencil study, which I gave as a gift.

There are several shots taken that day, which I still want to work with.

I love the architectural details of Toronto's old City Hall, and I loved pushing pencils; some of my best works are pencil studies.

All I remember of the person who took this picture is that she took the Sunshine Boy pictures. c.'82

The rented summer retreat at Lake Rosseau. '97
As seen coming up the stairs from the boat house.

A long way to shovel.
A scene from our homesteading days on Cape Breton Island. N.S.

My favorite time of day.
A small secluded beach near Rosseau in the Muskokas.

To see the photos in my Gallery-Workshop (clip art)CLICK HERE.

My brother's Meaford retreat (on the right).
My oasis for six months, it was good for the creative juices.

A neighbors farm in Meaford.
There's something about light and shadow that inspires me to emulate the impressionists.